
Monday Sep 03, 2018
The Making of a Leadership Coach: The Career Path of Peter Holtmann
Monday Sep 03, 2018
Monday Sep 03, 2018
In this episode, we dive into Peter's background to find out what exactly motivates him to coach CEOs. If you've had a chance to look through his Linked In page, you'll likely notice that he has quite a diverse background ranging from traditional science roles, to technical and regulatory, all the way to the top tier of business leadership. Listen on to learn how this unique background gives him a rare advantage when it comes to challenging leadership and solving business problems.

Thursday Aug 30, 2018
Coaching: Why is it worth trying and what can you expect?
Thursday Aug 30, 2018
Thursday Aug 30, 2018
In this episode, we share some insights from CEO Leadership Coach, Peter Holtmann, on what the true value is of coaching, how it differs from mentoring, and what you can expect to gain from this experience.

Friday Jul 13, 2018
Friday Jul 13, 2018
Listen here to the second part of our interview with CEO leadership coach, Peter Holtmann. Peter talks about outcomes and the role of the board in supporting the CEO. Becoming the CEO requires a very different skill set and one that needs to be developed. Often seen as the 'celerbrity' figure CEO's need to demonstrate leadership and avoid acting as managers. Easy to say but often misunderstood or got wrong. External coaching can play an integral role in helping support and guide the CEO.

Friday Jul 13, 2018
Friday Jul 13, 2018
Becoming the CEO requires a very different skill set and one that needs to be developed. Often seen as the 'celerbrity' figure CEO's need to demonstrate leadership and avoid acting as managers. Easy to say but often misunderstood or got wrong. External coaching can play an integral role in helping support and guide the CEO. Listen here to our two part interview with CEO leadership coach, Peter Holtmann.

Friday Jul 13, 2018
Part 2 Being a CEO can be lonely; external coaching offers great support
Friday Jul 13, 2018
Friday Jul 13, 2018
In this second part of our interview with Jacqui Attard, CEO of Sydney's premier small business advisory service RealiseBusiness. Jacqui talks about the outcomes of how coaching from Peter and HPS has really helped support her as a CEO.

Friday Jul 13, 2018
Part 1 Being a CEO can be lonely; external coaching offers great support
Friday Jul 13, 2018
Friday Jul 13, 2018
In this two part interview we focus on insights from a CEO around the need for a sounding board and support in what is often a surprisingly lonely position. Listen here to the first part of our interview with Jacqui Attard, CEO of Sydney's premier small business advisory service RealiseBusiness. Jacqui talks about how coaching from Peter and HPS has really helped support her as a CEO.

Friday Jul 13, 2018
How to build an award winning staff recognition program to drive success!
Friday Jul 13, 2018
Friday Jul 13, 2018
Award winning Sydney tourism provider, Scenic World, understand the importance of empowering staff to ensure excellent customer service. Something that is core to building a succesfull business. Listen here to our interview with Scenic World COO Chris Zumwalt.

Wednesday Jul 04, 2018
Leadership Coaching; unintended outcomes for CentreCare
Wednesday Jul 04, 2018
Wednesday Jul 04, 2018
In this interview we share insights from CentreCare, a rural provider of social services, around the leadership coaching we provided to their management team. Whilst they went into the coaching program with certain expectations they emerged with some unintended outcomes that has greatly benefited the organisation. Listen to our full interiew with Kate Gibson, deputy CEO to find out how leadership coaching could help your management team.

Wednesday Jun 06, 2018
Managing Risk in Government Agencies; a fresh approach
Wednesday Jun 06, 2018
Wednesday Jun 06, 2018
Continuing with our central theme around 'Risk', in this episode we talk with US risk specialist James (Jim) Kline about managing risk within government agencies. James shares current thinking on this and how some agencies are taking a lead in a fresh approach to viewing risk as a positive item. This is a great interview for anyone working in government who have to assess and manage risk.

Tuesday May 29, 2018
Business Excellence; do awards still matter?
Tuesday May 29, 2018
Tuesday May 29, 2018
In this episode you will hear from HPS business partner Dawn Ringrose. Dawn is Principal at Organizational Excellence Specialists. Dawn currently serves on the Global Benchmarking Network and ASQ Organizational Excellence Technical Committee. Dawn spoke to HPS about why Business Excellence matters even more and why gaining an award can make a real difference to your bottom line.